How cool is it that a fiery rock star that has toured with the likes of Disturbed and other metal legends has created a line of all natural and beautifully balanced hot sauces. Originally created by Jonny Hetherington, lead-singer of the band Art of Dying, these hot sauces use no additives, preservatives, thickeners or binders in order to give health conscious food lovers a flavourful kick when cooking at home.

Unfortunately, Hetherington’s passion for food and his love of cooking have often been thwarted by his tumultuous touring schedule. “Cooking on the road is tough,” says Hetherington. “We’ve been lucky to have a small barbeque on the road and the odd kitchen experience at times but it’s super rare”. When Hetherington finally makes it home from touring, he either stops in at one of his favourite eateries or goes straight to the kitchen to explore new recipes. One of those recipes is deeply rooted in some of his family history and is what he has dubbed ‘The Hetherington Toast Party’.

Growing up, the Hetherington household had a lot of impromptu toast parties, and over time he and his wife adopted this tradition. Using great local produce that has become so easily accessible to many Vancouverites, Hetherington experiments with various ‘toast party’ inspired recipes and finally landed on the one we are showcasing here. “It’s kind of like painting. You’ve got your canvas, which is your toast, and your toppings, much like a pizza which allow you to create a new version every time,” says Hetherington.

#HetheringtonToastParty – Spicy Beet Cashew 

This makes a great lunch and an even better hangover brunch. Enjoy it on your own or throw a #HetheringtonToastParty with whomever is within shouting distance.

What You’ll Need:

Beet Habanero Hot Sauce
Whole Grain Bread
Goat Cheese
Cashew Butter
Green Onions
Sea Salt

How To Make:

1. Cook two or three beets in boiling water – usually takes a couple of hours.
2. Pop two slices of thinly cut whole grain bread into your toaster.
3. Mash a half-cup of diced cooked beets with two tablespoons of cashew butter.
4. Paint a thick layer of goat cheese onto your toast slices.
5. Add a nice layer of your freshly made beet cashew butter.
6. Sprinkle with thinly sliced green onions and green peas.
7. Prepare soft-boiled, poached, or sunny-side up eggs depending on your liking.
8. Place the egg on top of toast letting the golden yolky richness spill over the sides.
9. Salt and pepper to taste.
10. Add a generous glug of Beet Habanero Hot Sauce to take the flavours out of this world.


HetheringtonToastParty. Delicious.

Check out more from Jonny Hetherington Essentials here.

This article is sponsored by Jonny Hetherington Essentials.
