In a broad sense, the AOL generation (Remember All The Write Type?) all listened to the same music. We grew up with our parents’ music, a pot that was much smaller to pull from than we have today. By the second grade, there were few surprises to discover about music from the era before us. Which leads me to my major point – what will our generation’s children consider “oldies”? If I inevitably come home to a child leafing through my album collection – I hope they find Hannah Georgas. She creates music in the same way that made our parents’ music great. It is honest, simple and uninfluenced. Her music is impressively unassuming.
Georgas released the single “Enemies” early in the summer. I was familiar with Georgas from her Drive release, which appeared on the 2010 CBC Great Canadian Song Quest. She played to a packed Zulu Records Tuesday last week (October 2). Performing a selection from her new self-titled album, Georgas lead her band for the free concert. The setting was ideal for the performance. To be there was to feel a part of something, to know you’re experiencing something great; a memory to croon over for years. You may have been standing next to a long follower of Georgas’, or someone currently becoming a fan, but we all shared a silent revelry while she sang.
After the show, she led the crowd to the main entry where she met with fans, signed autographs and sold merch. She smiled and engaged all who approached her. She mentioned several times in her performance how grateful she was for the support of those who had come out to celebrate her latest album. Her interactions with those who had it in mind to meet her only confirmed her gratitude as humble and honest.
Georgas has released an album and an EP previous to her latest – The Beat Stuff in 2008 and This Is Good in 2010. The self-titled Hannah Georgas builds on the strengths of her two previous releases and creates music that feels composed and driven by a singular vision. Hannah Georgas’ music is her own, and that gives the music a deep strength.