Vancouver duo Hollow Twin consists of Becky Wosk and Emmalee Watts. The two are releasing a new single, “Mother,” on Friday, January 24th, along with a single release show at the Fox Cabaret the same night. The single will be accompanied by a self-directed music video.
Vancouver Weekly caught up with Becky Wosk via email.
The song is about Becky’s mother, who was married to an abusive man with an affluent lifestyle. They divorced when Becky was 14. Her mother lost her status and wealth, moved to the country and fell in love with a man who was a recovering addict, who ultimately lost his life to cancer two years ago.
“She’s very resilient and believes that everything happens for a reason,” Wosk writes about her mother, “she learned a lot from her experiences and is extremely grateful for the time she was able to spend with her late husband – there’s no sadness. The song is representative of that resilience, courage and strength, the understanding that sometimes things are out of your control and we must rise to the occasion.”
When asked if her mother has heard the song yet, Wosk wrote, “My mother was emotional listening to the song, she says it perfectly sums up the experiences the song is about.”
The video for the single was created by the duo themselves on a budget of only $100, because they didn’t get the funding needed to have a professional video produced. Becky had worked as a PA before entering music. She’s also applied for a film production program and didn’t get in (thankfully, she says). But she has always loved filmmaking and would love to delve further into it in the future.
“We filmed it in Langley,” Wosk writes, “at Emmalee’s house mostly and on some quiet backstreets. The end where Emmalee falls into the grass it was SO wet and cold. I felt so bad, but she was a trooper.”
When asked about what Hollow Twin would like to communicate to their fans through this single, Wosk wrote, “That we are all connected, we are all part of this infinite Universe going through tough times, surviving. I guess also that things don’t always go the way you might think, and that’s okay.”
The new album is still in the works. The duo is hoping to receive some funding before moving forward. In the meantime, they’re stashing away whatever money they can to go in and record the last few songs. They’re hoping to release the finished product at the end of the year, or early 2021.
You can find tickets for their upcoming show here: