Daniel Robichaud

Téa and Cupcakes

I had no idea what to expect when I headed to the Backstage Lounge last Friday night for an evening of live music and Long Island Iced Teas. I had

Growing Into The Rite

I wasn’t shocked by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra‘s performance of The Rite of Spring on Saturday night. Thrilled, sure, but not shocked. That may seem a troubling proposition, given that

A Round of AHpplause For AHll InvAHlved

Okay, I’ll leave the “AH” puns to… Thee AHs. Clearly, as their Facebook page shows, they’re the experts. Cake, barefooted dancing, cake-eating while dancing and math quizzes. This was just

I Think I’m Going to Buy Me a Gun

At first listen, Scout Niblett’s latest release It’s Up To Emma is a melodic, trance-inducing, intuitive self-expression of the modern singer-songwriter trying to find herself in a sea of new

Humour for Everyone

Online dating can be a lot of things for a lot of different people: intriguing, confusing, scary, sexy, creepy, dreamy, goofy, and the list goes on. I’ll admit, I’ve had

A Summer of Death & Joy

When it comes to author Stephen King, really, what’s left to say? The man is a literary powerhouse, and his stories will be forever engrained into our collective psyche. Whether

Lissie “Shameless”

[youtube]http://youtu.be/l5vzZcbH39E[/youtube] “Shameless”, Lissie’s latest video, has her calling out the bullshit of those style-over-substance celebrities, with an IDGAF attitude that is catchy as hell.  She actually sounds genuinely pissed off

Stepping Off The Bus

The We and the I is an incandescent doodle of a movie, a messy scrawl that’s nonetheless beautiful for its energetic, unapologetic habitation of a moment and an idea. The

Born to Entertain

In 2010 NBC and the Tonight Show became embroiled in controversy. Conan O’Brien lovers everywhere were outraged at the decision to favour Jay Leno’s new program at the expense of

Corrections House “Grin With a Purpose”

[youtube]http://youtu.be/GctfSvFX–s[/youtube] Corrections House is a coming-together of members from Neurosis, Eyehategod, Yakuza, and Nachtmystium, which, if you know your metal, should have you pinching yourself hard enough to draw blood. 

Failing a Total Success

Music Waste, Vancouver’s favourite ultra-affordable music, art and comedy festival, which charges patrons a staggering $5 per show, formally kicked off at the Anza Club (amongst other venues) last Thursday

…And the Rock Keeps Rolling

When one listens to a Queens of the Stone Age record, one is transported to another place. You could take that as my just being poetic, but their music legitimately