[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][thb_gap height=”50″][vc_column_text]The Elements of Style: A guide to writing & style http://www.crockford.com/wrrrld/style.html How to write a Book Review Each of the following web sites discusses the “how tos” of reviewing books, and each is slightly different in presentation and content. All point out the elements essential to a good review, as well as suggestions for style. Other suggestions for further reading: Writing about Film Writing about Film (Dartmouth College) Writing about film 2010 (pdf download) Arguing a point with cinematic evidence: some examples (pdf download)   Writing about Theatre 28 tips for writing about Theatre On Writing Theatre Reviews (Lucy Komisar) Thoughts on Hyperlinking (by Neha Narula)
Goals when Hyperlinking
  • Attribute
  • Provide context for your article
  • Help the user discover more information and be informed
  • Give the user a fluid, uninterrupted reading experience
Linking Guidelines
  • Minimize context switching: Decide when to explain vs. link
  • Make it obvious what you are linking to: Link specifically!
  • Link to the same thing only once
  • Link as deeply into the site as possible
Hyperlink Tutorial (Windows)
Hyperlink Tutorial (Apple)
Submission Requirements for Music, Film, Theatre Reviews
Deadlines: 1-2 days
Wordcount: 500-1000 words
Format: word .doc
Hyperlinks: Please provide hyperlinks to appropriate content (see Thoughts on Hyperlinks above)
*Review Notes: If you don’t like something or feel the need to say something negative about an album or live performance please be respectful and provide constructive criticism.
Submission Requirements for Book reviews
Deadlines: 5-7 days
Wordcount: 500-1000 words
Format: word .doc
Hyperlinks: Please provide hyperlinks to appropriate content (see Thoughts on Hyperlinks above)
*Review Notes: If you don’t like something or feel the need to say something negative about a book please be respectful and provide constructive criticism.
Expense Policy: Vancouver Weekly does not compensate tickets or any other expenses that have not been officially pre-approved by Vancouver Weekly Editor-in-Chief.
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