- Dalhousie University Libraries: How to Write a Book Review (both critical and descriptive book reviews are covered)
- Laurentian University Desmarais Library: How to Review a Book (especially useful for non-fiction book reviewing)
- Queen’s University Libraries: How to Write a Book Review
- University of Alberta Library: How to Write a Book Review
- University of Toronto Writing Centre: The Book Review or Article Critique – General Guidelines
Goals when Hyperlinking
Submission Requirements for Music, Film, Theatre Reviews
- Attribute
- Provide context for your article
- Help the user discover more information and be informed
- Give the user a fluid, uninterrupted reading experience
- Minimize context switching: Decide when to explain vs. link
- Make it obvious what you are linking to: Link specifically!
- Link to the same thing only once
- Link as deeply into the site as possible
Hyperlink Tutorial (Windows)
Hyperlink Tutorial (Apple)
Deadlines: 1-2 days
Wordcount: 500-1000 words
Format: word .doc
Hyperlinks: Please provide hyperlinks to appropriate content (see Thoughts on Hyperlinks above)
*Review Notes: If you don’t like something or feel the need to say something negative about an album or live performance please be respectful and provide constructive criticism.
Deadlines: 5-7 days
Wordcount: 500-1000 words
Format: word .doc
Hyperlinks: Please provide hyperlinks to appropriate content (see Thoughts on Hyperlinks above)
*Review Notes: If you don’t like something or feel the need to say something negative about a book please be respectful and provide constructive criticism.
Expense Policy: Vancouver Weekly does not compensate tickets or any other expenses that have not been officially pre-approved by Vancouver Weekly Editor-in-Chief.
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